Member perks & extras
Discover perks & extras that go beyond your doctor’s office, such as wellness programs, special discounts, and more.
Additional benefits
Dental, hearing, vision, and so much more to support your health. Not all plans have all of these benefits. To check your specific plan’s benefits login to myProvidence.
Over-the-counter (OTC) allowance
Available on some plans, you get an over-the-counter (OTC) card loaded with funds quarterly, to buy health and wellness related items at stores or online.
Not available on Providence Medicare Advantage Align 15/30 + Rx (HMO), Align 10/50/1000 + Rx (HMO), or any PERS Health Insurance Program (PHIP) plans.
Dental with Delta Dental
Most plans offer $0 preventive dental like exams, cleanings, and x-rays with access to thousands of providers.
Not available on Providence Medicare Advantage Sycamore +Rx (HMO) or Providence Medicare Dual Plus (HMO D-SNP).
Flexible dental card
Some plans offer a flexible dental card with an allowance to pay for dental care like fillings, crowns, root canals and more.
Only available on Providence Medicare Advantage Pine + Rx (HMO), Timber + Rx (HMO), Cottonwood + Rx (HMO-POS), Sycamore + Rx (HMO), and Providence Medicare Dual Plus (HMO D-SNP)
Review your Summary of Benefits for more details about your plan.
Available on most plans, get discounted hearing aids and an annual no-cost exam through TruHearing.
Not available on Providence Medicare Dual Plus (HMO D-SNP).
Available on all plans with an annual eye exam and an allowance to buy glasses or contacts.
Alternative Care
Available on the following plans:
Providence Medicare Advantage Prime + Rx (HMO), Pine + Rx (HMO), Cottonwood + Rx (HMO-POS), Timber + Rx (HMO), Bridge + Rx (HMO-POS), Reverence (HMO-POS), Focus (HMO)
- $20 per visit (in-network)
- Chiropractor - 18 visits
- Acupuncture - 18 visits
- Naturopathy - 6 visits
Providence Medicare Advantage Sycamore + Rx (HMO)
- $0 per visit
- Chiropractor - 24 visits
- Acupuncture - 24 visits
- Naturopathy - 20 visits
Providence Medicare Dual Plus (HMO D-SNP)
- $0 per visit covered under Medicaid benefits with a prior authorization.
Visit for more information.
Providence Medicare Advantage Choice + Rx (HMO-POS) and Extra + Rx (HMO) are not covered for alternative care.
Health Incentives
Available on all plans except Providence Medicare Advantage Sycamore + Rx (HMO).
The health incentive program automatically loads $50 to your flexible benefits card when you complete your Annual Wellness Visit.
Providence Medicare Dual Plus (HMO D-SNP) members also get $50 for completing the Health Risk Assessment.
If you don't have a flexible benefit card one will be sent to you. Funds will not be loaded to your card for completed Health Incentive Benefit activities right away. The funds are loaded only after the provider submits a claim.
Check your balance and see what items you can spend your funds on at
Prescription benefits and resources
Whether you’re looking to save money on your prescriptions, sign up for mail order with convenient free delivery, or need Extra Help paying for your prescriptions, we can help.
Pharmacy resources
Find prescriptions covered in your plan through your formulary and learn about pharmacy savings through Rx Savings Solutions, mail order, and more.
Extra Help paying for prescription drugs if you qualify
Extra Help, also known as a Part D Low-Income Subsidy, or LIS, is a federal program that helps lower prescription costs and Part D (prescription) costs for Medicare Advantage members.
Prescription discounts for plans without Rx coverage
Available to plans without prescription drug coverage, you are eligible to receive discounts on prescription drugs.
Note: PERS Health Insurance Program (PHIP) members are not eligible for prescription discounts.
Wellness programs
Health and well-being go hand in hand, these wellness programs and perks are available on all our plans.
One Pass®, a no-cost fitness program
Available on all plans with at home work outs, studio classes, and ability to use different gyms at once.
Health coaching
Get one on one support from a coach to increase your activity level, reduce stress, improve your eating habits, manage weight, quit tobacco, or just feel better every day. Available on all plans.
Care management
Available on all plans, care managers provide personalized one-on-one support and assistance with finding doctors, medication options, authorizations, and much more.
Behavioral Health Resources
Available on all plans, members have options when it comes to behavioral, mental, and substance abuse support.
Member discounts and no-cost perks
Save money year round on activities, purchases, meal delivery and emergency medical devices.
Connect America Medical Alert
Available on all plans at no-cost. With the push of a button, you can get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the Connect America Personal Emergency Response System.
Mom’s Meals delivers ready-to-eat meals to your door
Available on all plans, after a hospital stay, you’ll receive nutritionally balanced, refrigerated and ready-to-eat meals delivered to your do at no-cost. You can also order additional discounted meals anytime.
LifeBalance provides discounts to help you relax & recharge
Available on all plans, you get special discounts on activities and purchases that make life more interesting.